Sunday, May 13, 2007


hello people well im finally posting some more photo's cause i just read roses delghtful comment. Anyway here are a few photos of the kiddies but mainly of my lovely daughter playing her first game of netball on her birthday. Its hard to believe she is 9yrs old now and excelling in everything she is doing. There is also a pic of her with a trophey and that is for being top student in her class. Her team won their netball game 11-9 and although i had a few close calls with my mouth on the sidelines i had to keep reminding myself that they were just kids after all. Dan was so proud of her, he was beaming from ear to ear. Our little Sye watched on not realising really what was happening and was more interested in the park but she doesnt really care about much unless it involves her as well. Im going to start umpiring their games although that will start when i get back from mine and baby's trip in perth, Jayda wasnt too thrilled with the umpiring thing but i was asked and unfortunatley for her i really didnt have a choice. Anyway my son is demanding my attention so untill next time... One last time HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Jayda and Liam... xoxoxo...

1 comment:

the kanga barrons said...

ooh im so proud of u 2 Jayd!!u look so wonderful in ure netball uniform and how great that u got ure trophy!! pleeze pleeze pleeze pass some of that enthusiasm on2 ure cuz liam. he definitely needs it. kiss kiss